Good-Ole-VHS videos of Mr. Matl, et. al. demonstrating Judo and other martial arts in 1981-1983

Check out video #2! Our class is still taught in much the same style.

September 1981: Jaime Garza doing a public demonstration in Victoria, TX with students from his school. He was 19 years old at the time. He became Mr. Matl's student in June 1981 along with several of his students. Some of them still practice with Mr. Matl at his Alamo Beach dojo.

1982: Jaime requested Mr. Matl to make a instructional video of his Judo. This was filmed at Dr. Gbalazeh's home (also a student of Mr. Matl in Victoria, TX)

1983: Jaime Garza testing for his 2nd Dan in Judo with Ron Ruiz. Filmed in the YMCA in Victoria, TX.

Video 4
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